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  • 1) What are the dates of the Zman?
    Winter Zman 5785: Winter Zman begins Sunday night, November 2nd, 2024 / 2 Cheshvan, 5785. The Zman ends Thursday night, March 20th, 2025 / 21 Adar, 5785.
  • 2) What is the daily schedule in Yeshiva?
    Please click HERE to see the daily schedule.
  • 3) Is there a group flight?
    The Yeshiva does not arrange group flights. Parents tend to prefer booking their own flights and finding the best deals. Talmidim usually know who else is coming to Yeshiva and are in touch with each other about traveling together.
  • 4) Which מסכת is the Yeshiva learning this year?
    2024-25 Starting Elul, the Yeshiva will be learning מסכת בבא קמא.
  • 5) What do I need to know about Health Insurance?
    It is mandatory that all Talmidim join a local health insurance plan. Even if a student has international insurance, they will still need to purchase health insurance in Israel. It will ensure that your son is cared for in the most effective and timely manner. Yeshiva recommends the following 2 insurance companies: AIM is an English-speaking service-oriented private medical program providing American-style medical care. Their medical center is located very close to Yeshiva on Kanfei Nesharim St. making medical care very convenient. For more information, and to register please visit AIMs website: . You can also email them at: or call: 1-800-4-AIM-PLAN (1-800-424-6752). MSGIL is an English-speaking service-oriented provider of medical services. For more information, and to register please visit MSGILs website: You can also email them at Submit all forms, payments, and questions directly to MSGIL. Read through both plans carefully to make your decision. No Talmid may sleep in Yeshiva without Israeli health insurance.
  • 6) Why can’t I continue to use my non-Israeli health insurance plan?
    Because of the language barrier, the complicated bureaucracy that Israeli medical insurance and care involves, and because if חס ושלום your son needs immediate medical care, an uninsured (in Israel) patient will have to pay on the spot in order to be treated. Additionally, some hospitals may not admit a patient or release him without payment upfront. In order to insure the optimal and most seamless care for our student's health we require them to be insured by one of these two Anglo-medical companies, who have a proven track record with providing optimal care to Yeshiva and Seminary students.
  • 7) What size mattresses are the beds in Yeshiva?
    The beds are regular twin size mattresses - 90 cm. by 190 cm. Blanket Express, is a company that provides blankets and sheets for a reasonable price to lighten your luggage load if you so desire. You can find out more information on their website
  • 8) How do I do laundry in Yeshiva?
    A external washing machine/dryer rental service offers use of their machines in our dormitory. A company representative will collect the payment from your son. Your son will be able to pay with cash or credit card, directly to the company. For more information email:
  • 9) How should I order my son's seforim? Is there a way to get them through the Yeshiva or is it better for him to bring them from home?
    We usually suggest the Bochurim buy seforim in Eretz Yisroel so that he purchases the right one and saves on space and weight when coming to Yeshiva. There are several seforim your son can order in advance, and we will provide a link when we get closer to the start of the Zman.
  • 11) May I come visit my son in Yeshiva?
    Yeshiva Arzei Levanon welcomes parents' visits. Fathers are welcome to come learn with their sons in the Beis Medrash. However, please remember that it can be disruptive to your son's growth if you take him out of Yeshiva. Therefore, if you come to visit, please make sure to limit the amount of time you take your son out and try to arrange to do so during beinHasedarim breaks. Please inform the office in advance if you are planning on visiting.
  • 12) What is the Yeshiva's exact address?
    53 Katzenellenbogen, Har Nof, Israel 9387158 Click here to see us on google maps.
  • 12) How do I apply for a student visa?
    The Yeshiva will apply for student visas for all new Talmidim and for returning Talmidim who need a new student visa. This is done after Talmidim arrive and hand in their passports to the office. The procedure is usually completed sometime after Succos - before Chanukah. See the General Information Packet for more details.
  • 13) What are my college credit and degree options?
    The Yeshiva, like most Yeshivas, is a non-accredited institution. However, many Talmidim register for different programs. We have partnered with Trio Academy to provide our talmidim with college credits and an eventual fully accredited bachelor's degree. For more information contact: Rabbi Gedalya Berlin COO and Chief Sales Officer Israel Cell & WhatsApp +972 584273030 American # 1 718 5646066 (call only, no text)
  • 14) Will I be able to have access to a computer?
    The Yeshiva has a computer room (with filtered computers) where students can access their email accounts. Yeshiva policy absolutely prohibits personal laptop computers, DVDs, PSPs, I-pods, Ipads, tablets, smartphones, or any other device with internet, or movie-playing capability. Any such items brought to the yeshiva will be confiscated. Our goal is to create an environment conducive to personal growth in תורה and all areas of ‘עבודתה . We all know the detriment these items can have on a Talmid’s growth and appreciate your cooperation in this matter.

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