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Rabbi Simcha Sussman grew up in Far Rockaway NY, and is a Talmid of Yeshivas Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin. Throughout his 20 plus years in chinuch- in camp, the classroom, as Mashgiach, or as Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Sussman’s Derech of Harbatzas HaTorah perpetuates the beliefs of his Rebbeim- HaRav Yitzchok Hutner zt”l, HaRav Shlomo Freifeld zt”l and HaRav Aharon Schechter zt”l. The key to ALL growth in Torah and Avodas Hashem is through helping a Talmid identify, connect, and cultivate the unlimited Kochos that lay within him. By doing this, a bochur can propel himself to Gadlus in a fashion never imaginable. Rabbi Sussman’s warmth and engaging personality, his dedication to every talmid on an individual basis, coupled with his unique Koach haNegina, has facilitated the growth of countless Talmidim into true Bnei Torah. 

Rabbi Simcha Sussman

      Rosh Yeshiva


The Yeshiva has been Zoche to have HaRav Moshe Aharon Friedman, famed Maggid Shiur from the Mir Yeshiva, joining the Yeshiva as Rosh Beis Medrash for Second Seder, learning daily in the Yeshivas Beis Medresh, available to talk in learning with the talmidim, and giving a weekly Shiur. The talmidim have a unique opportunity to develop a personal connection with him as well as learn one-on-one with him. 

HaRav Moshe Aharon Friedman 


Rabbi Yehuda Werblowsky is a highly regarded and beloved mechanech who has been working in post-high school Yeshiva education for over two decades. Over the years he has held various positions including b’iyun and b’kiyus rebbe, Menahel, and Mashgiach Ruchani. Rabbi Werblowsky utilizes his warm personality, combined with his intuitive understanding of people and positive attitude, to recognize the unique kochos of each individual talmid and guide them towards reaching their full potential in Avodas Hashem, middos and personal growth. Rabbi Werblowsky develops close relationships with his talmidim, guiding them through life even many years after they have left Yeshiva's doors.

Rabbi Yehuda Werblowsky  

Mashgiach Ruchani 


Rabbi Raphael Brodie, the son of  Rav Yehuda Brodie זצ''ל of the Manchester Beis Din and renowned advocate for Anglo Jewry, grew up under the influence of The Manchester Rosh Yeshiva Rav Yehuda Zev Segal זצ''ל. At Yeshivas Mir, he became a close talmid of the Rosh Yeshiva HaRav Nosson Tzvi Finkel זצ''ל and HaRav Nissan Kaplan שליט''א. He is a talmid muvhak of HaRav Gamliel Rabinowitz שליט''א and received semicha from HaRav Zalman Nechemia Goldberg זצ''ל . A veteran Maggid Shiur and Mashgiach Ruchani , Rabbi Brodie has made an indelible impact on his Talmidim. He is known for his exciting and crystal clear shiurim focusing on geshmak b'limmud, while imparting his talmidim with pshat and accountability in learning. His easygoing nature and אהבת ישראל , coupled with his commitment to grooming the next generation of klal yisroel's ambassadors, makes him an endeared Rebbi to all of his talmidim.

Rabbi Raphael Brodie

Rosh Beis Medrash


Rabbi Yehuda Abramov, the son of renowned international educators- Rabbi Yirmiyahu and Rebbetzin Tehilla Abramov, learned at Yeshivas Kol-Torah and then Yeshivas Be'er-Yaacov under the auspices of Rabbi Moshe Shmuel Shapiro, and later married the Rosh Yeshiva’s granddaughter. After serving as a Rabbi in Melbourne Australia, he then served as a Rebbe/Mashgiach at Yeshivas Meor Chaim and Yeshiva Shaarei Shmuos. Rav Abramov’s warm and approachable personality helps him impart to his Talmidim a clear solid foundation in Limud HaTorah as well as guiding them individually in their Yiddishkeit growth. His main aspirations for his talmidim are to give over the sense of Geshmak in the learning, imbuing within them Simchas Hachaim and bringing out their true potential.  

Rabbi Yehuda Abramov

Second Year Maggid Shiur


Rabbi Avraham Benguigui grew up in  Miami Beach, FL. He learnt in Yeshivas Toras Chaim (Chofetz Chaim Miami) under R' Dovid Sharfman זצ"ל and לבח"ל R' Mordechai Palgon with whom he still shares a close connection. Rabbi Benguigui went on to study in Yeshivas Midrash Shmuel in Yerushalayim under Hagaon R' Binyamin Moskowitz שליט"א for close to two decades where he served as a Maggid Shiur and Rebbe for 5 years. His Shiurim strive to ignite that inner thirst that a תלמיד has. He tries to teach the Talmidim tools to enable them to learn for the rest of their lives. His Mussar shiurim gives bochurim the Hashkafik platform and injection of יראת שמים which is the most crucial ingredient for building a well rounded בן תורה for the rest of his life.

Rabbi Avraham Benguigui

First Year Maggid Shiur


Rabbi Avi Lieberman grew up in New York and learnt in the Mir Yeshiva of Yerushalayim for over a decade. He is a close talmid of HaRav Nissan Kaplan shlit”a and went on to become a Shoel Umeishiv for his shiur. Rabbi Lieberman received semicha from Rav Gershon Meltzer shlit”a, Rav Yitzchok Berkowitz shlit”a and gained shimush from Dayan Yitzchok Silver shlit”a. The author of “Purim Now and Forever” and the popular “Amar Libi” series, Rabbi Lieberman is also a certified chosson Rebbi. Rabbi Lieberman is an Iyun Seder Maggid Shuir and gives daily vaadim.He was the Night Seder Mashgiach and organized many Yeshiva events. Rabbi Lieberman is the son-in-law of the well-known mechanech, Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky. He lives in Yerushalayim with his wife and children.

Rabbi Avi Lieberman

Second Year Maggid Shiur


Rabbi Binyomin Wolff grew up in Kew Gardens Queens and learned in Mir Yeshiva for 18 years. He has served as a Meishiv for Rav Yosef Elefant Shiur for 12 years. Over the years he has taught and worked with hundreds of bachurim and avreichim helping them develop in their learning and integrating it into their lives.

He lives with his wife and children in Har Nof.

Rabbi Binyomin Wolff

Third- and Fourth-Year Maggid Shiur


Hailing from Baltimore, Maryland, Rabbi Moshe Cohen has been living in א"י since 1996. He learned in נר ישראל (Baltimore) and Mesivta of Long Beach (New York) and spent nine years under the tutelage of הגאון הר' צבי קושלבסקי שליט"א in ישיבת היכל התורה in ירושלים. Rabbi Cohen specializes in teaching גמרא with alacrity and clarity and has delivered well over 10,000 שיעורי גמרא over the last 20 years. He greatly enjoys working with Bachurim one-on-one or with groups of any size. He and his family live in Har Nof, and have an open door policy for the bachurim to join for Shabbos Seudos. 

Rabbi Moshe Cohen

Second Seder Meishiv


Rabbi Tzvi Dov David, son of the well-known Mechanech and Talmid Chacham Rabbi Avishai David, is a close talmid of HaRav Yehoshua Eichenstein and HaRav Tzvi Kaplan. With over a decade of serving as a Maggid Shiur and Rosh Chabura, he is respected for his clear explanations and straight Torah hashkafa. His warmth, patience, and understanding underlie his passion to instill every individual with a love of Torah and the capability to learn it.

Rabbi Tzvi Dov David

Second Seder Meishiv


Rabbi Dov Rockove grew up in Queens, NY where his father is the Rov of

a thriving Kehilla. He learned in Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim in Queens

and Miami and then in The Mir Yeshiva in Yerushalayim. He has served as a Shoel Umaishiv at the Chabura of Rabbi B. Klein near The Mir and as a Rebbi at Rabbi Fischer's Yeshiva. Rabbi Rockove seeks to give Talmidim the skills to delve into any sugya and feel confident in their learning. His approachable nature and desire to serve, help Talmidim enjoy and maximize their learning to the utmost degree.

Rabbi Dov Rockove

Morning Seder Meishiv


Rabbi Avi Wieder

Second Seder Meishiv

Rabbi Avi Wieder grew up in Golders Green, England. He learnt in Yeshivas Toras Simcha under HaRav Osher Zelig Rubinstein זצ"ל. He maintained a close relationship and קביעות with Reb Osher זצ"ל - who was well known for his fiery shmuessen in Emuna and Bitachon - until his untimely passing 10 years ago. He has been learning under Rav Zvi Kushelevsky שליט"א in Yeshivas Heichal HaTorah in Har Nof, for over 11 years, serving as a Shoel U’Meishiv during Morning and Evening Seder for the past 5 years. He has run many Chaburah programs helping his Talmidim to build up their confidence and skills to prepare and deliver their own Chaburos. Having joined the Arzei Halevanon staff during its first month, he serves as a Shoel U’meishiv in afternoon Seder. He enjoys developing close relationships with the bochurim and through his unique warmth, energy and positivity helps them tap into their potential - guiding and encouraging them to develop their Gemara skills to enhance and enjoy every moment of learning Torah.


Rabbi Yosef Silverman, originally from New York, has learnt under and been substantially impacted by Rav Shmuel Greenberg Shlit"a, Rav Doniel Mann Shlit"a, Rav Aharon Kahn Shlit"a and Rav Doniel Belsky Shlit"a.  He tries to give over a clear picture of the sugya as well as a geshmake in learning to the talmidim. Rabbi Silverman currently lives in Ramat Beit Shemesh and also serves as first seder maggid shiur in Yeshiva Toras Shraga in Bayit Vegan.

Rabbi Yosef Silverman

Second Seder Meishiv


Rabbi Yehuda Newman grew up in Lawrence, NY. He has been learning for the past 15 years, and is currently still learning, in Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim. Rabbi Newman has been privileged to create strong relationships with his Rebbeim in the Mir Yeshiva, including Rav Eytan Yaffen, Rav Shmuel Wohlman, Rav Meir Warsagher, Rav Avraham Shmuelevitz, and Rav Akiva Friedman.  He engages the talmidim each night reviewing the daily shiur and in divrei mussar.

Rabbi Yehuda Newman

NIght Seder Meishiv


Rabbi Pesach Weiss, originally from the FiveTowns, learnt in Rabbi Senters Yeshiva, Shor Yoshuv , and the Mir Yeshiva. Currently, he is learning for Smicha at Yeshivas Ohr Sameach in the Ohr Lagolah program. He is also studying for a psychology degree at Touro college. As a Meishiv in Yeshiva he helps Bochurim navigate their growth in Yeshiva, aiming to help them reveal their individual strengths and enable them to build solid foundations in their yiddishkeit.

Rabbi Pesach Weiss

Second Seder Meishiv


Rabbi Avrumi Tatz, born in South Africa, the son of famed Mechanech Rabbi Akiva Tatz, learnt in Gateshead Yeshiva Gedola under the Rosh Hayeshiva Hagaon R Avrohom Gurvitz Shlit"a and the Mashgiach, Harav Gershon Miller Shlit"a. He then learnt in Yeshiva/Kollel of Yeshivas Midrash Shmuel in Yerushalayim under the Rosh Hayeshiva, Hagaon R Binyomin Moskowitz Shlit"a. For the past five years he has been learning in Yeshivas Mir under Hagaon, R Asher Arieli Shlit"a. He has been a involved in teaching from a very young age, from Kiruv to tutoring schoolboys and teaching in various Yeshivos. Through his father, he has been exposed to the Torah of Hagaon R Moshe Shapira Ztz"l, which opens the world of understanding, depth and beauty of Torahs Hamachshava.

Rabbi Avrumi Tatz

Night Seder Meishiv 


Rabbi Simcha Marmor , grew up in Toronto and Ramat Beit Shemesh. He learned in Yeshivos Afula becoming a close talmid of Rosh Yeshiva Harav Moshe Dov Harris, and then in Yeshivas Nachlas Haleviim in Haifa. He currently is learning in Mir Yeshiva for the past decade.  He tries to focus on helping talmidim develop as individuals and grow in their learning and avodas Hashem in a personable and relatable way.

Rabbi Simcha Marmor

Night Seder Meishiv


Rabbi Akiva Jacobs, born in Passiac, grew up in Ramat Beit Shemesh. He learned in Yeshiva Torah Ohr, and Rav Wolfsons Yeshiva for 8 years, and continues to learn in the Mir Yeshiva. He focuses on helping the talmidim gain clarity and understanding in their learning, to enable them to create a deeper connection and desire for Torah learning, which helps them develop in all areas of Avodas HaShem.

Rabbi Akiva Jacobs

Morning Seder Meishiv


Rabbi Ben-Zion Landa- originally from Hollywood Florida, learnt in Yeshivas Toras Chaim, Chofetz Chaim Miami. He then learnt for a decade and a half learning in Yeshiva Midrash Shmuel under HaRav Binyomin Moskowitz in The Mir Yeshiva under Hagoan HaRav Asher Arielli. He strives to help bochrim come to a clear understanding of the sugyos, while also understanding and focasing on the needs of the bochurim and developing a close and lasting relationship with them.

Rabbi Ben-Zion Landa

Morning Seder Meishiv


Rabbi Shlomo Dershowitz grew up in Yerushalayim in a home saturated with Ahavas HaTorah and Ahavas Hashem. As the son of a Rebbe in an American Yeshiva, he was surrounded since childhood by American yeshiva bochurim where he watched his father cultivate relationships with the bochurim and imbue in them the geshmak and real connection to Torah and Yiddishkeit.  Shlomo learned in the famed Chevron Yeshiva for many years and continued in the Mir learning under Rav Asher Arielli Shlita and in the Kollel of Rav Chanoch Friedman Shlita. He gives over to his Talmidim a derech halimud based on havana, mesorah and hard work. 

Rabbi Shlomo Dershowitz 

Morning Seder Meishiv 


Rabbi Dovid Schnall

Executive Director

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